miércoles, 25 de abril de 2007

Distros Top Ten

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DistroWatch Top Ten Distributions


lunes, 23 de abril de 2007

How to run the Spectrum OneClick Console on Ubuntu-Firefox

If we follow the instructions of the Spectrum help we need to Install the Java 2 Runtime Environment (see the previous post). Then like the JRE includes the Java Web Start client, which is required to run JNLP applications like SPECTRUM OneClick Console, we need to associate the .jnlp extension with de javaws (Java Web Start) program.

So in this order do:
1) Go to the Spectrum OneClick console web page
2) Click on "Start Console"
3) Save the oneclick.jnlp file to disk.
4) Right-click on the .jnlp file that you downloaded, and select “Open with Other Application…”
5) Select “Use a custom command”, and click “Browse…”.
6) Locate your java installation folder and select the file $JAVA_HOME/jre1.6.0_01/javaws/javaws/.

On my system, that works out to /home/user/jre1.6.0_01/javaws/javaws
7) Click OK.
8) Restart Firefox and click again over "Start Console". Now a window like this should appear:

Then start the download of the application an after that the Spectrum Console appears in the screen. Easy and quick.

The Java Web Start MIME type is not properly associated with the javaws binary. You have to explicitly set the association, then restart Firefox for it to get the update.


Install Java in Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty

First we need to download de file jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin from www.java.com

Create a directory for the files to be installed:
# sudo mkdir /usr/java

Move the downloaded file to the previous directory:
# sudo mv jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin /usr/java

Change the permissions for make it executable:
# sudo chmod a+x jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin

Run the file to install software:
# /usr/java/jre-6u1-linux-i586.bin

Now create a symbolic link:
# cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins
# sudo ln -s /home/user/jre1.6.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so

Restart firefox and enjoy.